SRM group of institutions have carved out a niche for themselves in the higher education space of this country through relentless effort to promote qualitative and modern education. India faces a big challenge in providing higher education ta as many people as possible in a short span of time to achieve its growth objectives. It may not be possible to create brick and mortar campuses far all in the near future and alternative modes of education have to play a vital role in enhancing the Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER). In this context, the distance education programme of SRM IST gains great relevance as the huge academic infrastructure available already can be utilized to benefit the distance learners also. It also serves a great social purpose by reaching out to those who had left the formal stream for some reasons and want to pursue further the quality higher education. Distance education is a cost-effective, convenient and learner-centric model of education and I am sure that the Directorate of Distance Education of SRM IST will make a big stride in reaching out to all those who need affordable and quality higher education.