2.3.4 Development of self-learning materials (SLM) at DDE, SRM IST (500 words)
Distance education offers a solution to the learners who find it difficult to pursue regular academics and devote full-time. Therefore the Self Learning Materials (SLM) in SRMIST DDE are prepared with learner centric approach and ensure self-directed knowledge
acquisition to overcome the absence of face-to-face class room interaction with little or no support of faculty members. The SLM engages learner and stimulate independent learning through modular content and objective based approach. The process of SLM preparation is presented here.
The course development is achieved by a set of team members involving course contentdeveloper and expert committee member to review. The course writer is provided with awareness on SLM guidelines prior to commence the development.The SLM guidelines
broadly insists the following suggestions to empathize with the self-directed learner.
● The SLM should be prepared as per the credits assigned to a course in a modular way.
● The session-wise objective should be achievable, provide guidance to the learner and
target towards overall course objective.
● The content should be simple, direct, and self-explanatory.
● The content should facilitate retention and promote transfer of learning with
appropriate illustrations.
● The content should encourage the asynchronous learning abilities of the learner
● There should be self-check exercises for each unit that will reinforce the learning.
● The references should include text books, open educational resources and audio/video
● The language used in content should not be too verbose and only necessary terms in
proper contexts should be used.
● The voice of the course writer should be heard throughout in terms of consistency and logical development. The course writers are recommended to follow the timelines indicated to them. They are instructed to write original content. A declaration to this effect is obtained from them. The quality of content is ensured through continuous review process by peer team, subject matter experts and instructional designers. The Centre for Internal Quality Assurance (CIQA) is the quality monitoring body and it plays a pivotal role in overseeing the choice of course- writers, assessing the quality aspects and ensuring adherence to the guidelines. The SLMs that are duly authorised are sent for printing. In addition, the approved content is used for e-content digital transformation. This helps the digital natives’ learners to learn and grasp quickly. This also helps to understand the progress of self-learners. The learners are encouraged to come forward with their experience of using the SLM effectively for their learning. The feedback system is in place and the responses of the learners are sent back to the course-writers for further action. The revision of SLMs is done periodically, when there is a latest advancements in the content, when the learners demand more clarity or syllabus upgradation is carried out. The content revision is updated digital first, which includes additional case studies, learning activities, self-check exercises etc.,.
Thus, a systematic approach to self-learning is followed in the development of SLM preparation.
Supporting Document
1. Policy on SLM including Print + e-content guidelines + ID principles
2. Appointments of Member formation
a. Expert Committee b. Course Writer
3. Review of
a. Semester wise LOCF approval
b. Course wise SLM Review
c. Semester-wise approval of CIQA