Dr. Gladson Clifford Joe. C

Academic Qualifications:
Degree | Subject | Institution | Status |
Ph. D.
Public Administration | Madras Christian College / University of Madras | Highly Commended | 2007 |
PGDHA | Hospital Administration | Alagappa University | Completed | 2021 |
M.A. | English | Alagappa University | Completed | 2020 |
M. A. | Christian Studies | University of Madras |
Completed |
2018 |
M. A.
Journalism and Mass Communication | Alagappa University |
Completed |
2016 |
M.A. | Public Administration | Madras Christian College | Completed | 2002 |
B.A. | Philosophy | Madras Christian College | Completed | 2000 |
UGC/NET | Journalism and Mass Communication | University Grants Commission | Awarded | 2019 |
UGC/NET | Public Administration | University Grants Commission | Awarded | 2004 |
Other Qualifications:
- Skill Set:
- Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS)
- Statistical Data Analysis and Scientific Data Visualisation (SYSTAT)
- ArcView (Geographic Information System software)
- Typewriting English: 45 words/minute (Govt. of Tamil Nadu)
- Higher Diploma in Software Engineering (APTECH) – Three years course on various programming languages / platforms [MS Office, VB, VJ++, VC++, SQL]
- Hindi Parichaya Examination (First Class) – Dakshina Bharat Hindi Prachar Sabha.
Academic Contribution:
- Teaching:
- Teaching Graduate and Post-Graduate students of Journalism and Mass Communication
- Areas of Interest:
- Social Welfare Administration
- Indian Constitution
- Public Relations and Corporate Communication
- International Relations
- Communication Research Methodology
- India and its Neighbours
- Global Political Systems
- Online Journalism
- Logic
- Ethics
- Research:
- Research Supervisor, approved by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Public Administration and the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication. Currently guiding four students on their Ph. D in Journalism, Mass Communication and Public Administration.
- Member, Research Advisory Committee, guiding four students on their Ph. D. in Mass Communication at Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Chennai.
- Examiner, M. Phil. Thesis at Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS), Chennai.
- Doctoral thesis focusing on the Personnel Management and Industrial Relations, Human Behaviour, Motivation and Job Satisfaction of employees at Madras Fertilizers Limited, Manali. (Link in Shodhganga: http://hdl.handle.net/10603/278373)
- Post Graduate research work on the administration, organizational M and functioning of a Voluntary Organisation.
- Member, Doctoral Committee, Department of Media Studies, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology.
- Guided a number of Post Graduate students and M. Phil. students to do research in their respective areas.
- Selected Publications:
- Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC Journal):
- Published a paper on “Structural Equation Modelling: Learners Satisfaction with Learning Environment in Private Universities Offering Distance Learning Programmes in Chennai City” in World Journal of Management and Economics, an ABDC journal, ISSN: 1819-8643, April 2022.
- Scopus Indexed:
- Published a paper on “Facial Expression behind the Mask”, in Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, a Scopus Indexed Journal, ISSN: 9847-9850, December 2021.
- Published a paper on “Futures and prospects of open and distance learning systems (ODL) in Tamilnadu during 21st Century”, in Design Engineering (Toronto), a Scopus Indexed Journal, ISSN: 0011-9342, September 2021.
- Published a paper on “A study on employee engagement and organisational performance of knit wear industry in Tirupur district”, in International Journal of Psychological Rehabilitation, a Scopus Indexed Journal, Volume 24, Issue 8, ISSN: 1475-7192, January 2021.
- Published a paper on “Social Welfare Schemes based on mobile applications: A study”, in PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, a Scopus Indexed Journal, ISSN:1567-214X, January 2021.
UGC CARE Journals:
- Published a paper on “A study on the reach of FM Radio among the teenagers in Calicut”, in the Journal on Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, An international open access journal, (UGC Care approved international indexed and referred journal: 63975), ISSN: 2349-5162, Vol.7, Issue 4, Impact factor 7.95, April 2020.
- Published a paper on “To study the perception among youngsters in relation to Thamizha Thamizha show”, in the Journal on Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, An international open access journal, (UGC Care approved international indexed and referred journal: 63975), ISSN: 2349-5162, Vol.7, Issue 2, Impact factor 5.87, February 2020.
- Published a paper on “The influence of advertisements and its impact on the perception of body image”, in Our Heritage (UGC Care approved international indexed and referred journal), ISSN: 0474-9030, Vol.68, Issue 47, February 2020.
- Published a paper on “A study on how investigative journalism is perceived by Women Journalists in India”, in the Think India Journal (UGC Care approved international indexed and referred journal), Vol.22-Issue 14, ISSN: 0971-1260, Impact factor: 6.3, December 2019.
- Published a paper on “College Student’s Interpretation of Political Cartoons ”, in the International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, Peer-reviewed (Referred/Scholarly), Indexed and Open Access Journal (UGC Journal No. 43979 – ISSN: 2321-7065), Volume 7, Issue 9, September, 2019.
- Published a paper on “A Study on BJP Schemes Based on Fake News ”, in the International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, Peer-reviewed (Referred/Scholarly), Indexed and Open Access Journal (UGC Journal No. 43979 – ISSN: 2321-7065), Volume 7, Issue 9, September, 2019.
- Published a paper on “A Content Analysis of Newspapers’ Coverage of Rohingya Refugees’ Deportation in India”, in the International Journal of English Language, Literature in Humanities, Peer-reviewed (Referred/Scholarly), Indexed and Open Access Journal (UGC Journal No. 43979 – ISSN: 2321-7065), Volume 7, Issue 9, September, 2019.
- Published a paper on “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and Its Significance In The Advertising Industry”, in the International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (UGC Journal No. 43602 – ISSN: 2349-5138), April, 2019.
- Published a paper on “Instagram and other Social Media Applications: A Comparison” in the Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (UGC Journal No. 46775 – ISSN: 0975-6795), April 2018.
Book Chapters:
- Published a paper on “History and growth of Madras Fertilizers Limited”, in the book entitled “Human Resource excellence in global scenario” (ISBN: 13: 978-81-8209-178-8), August, 2014.
- Published a paper on “Job Satisfaction at Madras Fertilizers Limited”, in the book entitled “Contemporary Issues in Management” (ISBN: 978-81-923607-6-8), May, 2013.
- Published a paper on “Motivational Aspects at Madras Fertilizers Limited: A Study”, in the book entitled “Corporate Excellence in Challenging Global Scenario” (ISBN: 978-81-925286-0-1), September, 2012.
- Published a paper on “Human Behaviour and Human Relations with special reference to Madras Fertilizers Limited” in the book entitled “e-Business: A Paradigm shift in the contemporary Scenario” (ISBN: 13: 978-81-8209-185-6), August, 2014.
- Published a paper on “Human Rights in Indian Context” in the book entitled “Challenges of Human Rights in the 21st Century” (ISBN: 978-81-910200-3-8), February, 2013.
- Published a paper on “Rise of Dravidian Parties in Tamil Nadu”, in the book entitled “N. Annadurai: The Architect of Tamil Nadu Politics” (ISBN: 978-81-920-484-1-3), October, 2012.
- Published a paper on “Role of Media on Education in India” in the book entitled “Issues of Communication, Development and Society”, (ISBN: 978-81-8457-403-6), June, 2012.
- Paper Presentation:
- International Conferences:
- Presented a research paper entitled “The influence of advertisements and its impact on the perception of body image” in the ESN international conference on multidisciplinary research and innovation, ICMRI-2020, September 2020.
- Presented a research paper entitled “A study on how investigative journalism is perceived by Women Journalists in India” in the 6th International Conference on Business Research organised by the Department of Commerce and Economics, Faculty of Science and Technology, SRM IST on 17th and 18th October 2019.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Traditional and AGILE Project Management” in the International Conference on HR: The Era of CURE (Cross skilling, Up-skilling, Re-skilling and Empowering) organised by the Faculty of Management, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, October, 2018.
- Presented a research paper entitled “A Comparative Study on Change Models” in the International Conference on HR: The Era of CURE (Cross skilling, Up-skilling, Re-skilling and Empowering) organised by the Faculty of Management, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, October, 2018.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Human Behaviour and Human Relations with special reference to Madras Fertilizers Limited” in the International Conference on e-Business: A paradigm shift in the contemporary scenario organised by the Department of Commerce, ASAN memorial College of Arts and Science, August, 2014.
- Presented a research paper entitled “History and growth of Madras Fertilizers Limited” at the International Conference on Human Resource Excellence in Global Scenario organised by the Department of Commerce, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, August, 2014.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Job Satisfaction at Madras Fertilizers Limited” at the International Conference organised by the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology on Contemporary Issues in Management, February, 2013.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Motivational Aspects at Madras Fertilizers Limited: A Study” at the International Seminar arranged by the Department of Commerce, ASAN Memorial College, Chennai, September, 2012.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Portrayal of Crime in Indian Media” at the International conference on “Civic Challenges, Democracy and Media” arranged by the Department of Journalism, Mangalyatan University, Aligarh, February, 2012.
- National Conferences:
- Presented a research paper entitled “Facial Expression behind the Mask” on the Research Day, organised by the Directorate of Research and Virtual Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2021.
- Presented a research paper entitled “A Study on programs of World Bank with emphasis on Rural development in Tamil Nadu” on the Research Day, organised by the Directorate of Research and Virtual Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2021.
- Presented a research paper entitled “The influence of advertisements and its impact on the perception of body image” on the one day national level conference on Business Finance and Social Sciences, organised by the Department of Corporate Secretariateship and Accounting and Finance, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2020.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response (ASMR) and Its Significance In The Advertising Industry ” on the Research Day, organised by the Directorate of Research and Virtual Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2019.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Instagram and other Social Media Applications: A Comparison” on the Research Day, organised by the Directorate of Research and Virtual Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2018.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Traditional and Modern Teaching: An Analysis” on the Research Day, organised by the Directorate of Research and Virtual Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2017.
Presented a research paper entitled “Human Rights in Indian Context” at the National Seminar arranged by the Department of Political Science on Challenges of Human Rights in the 21st Century at Gobi Arts & Science College, February, 2013.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Rise of Dravidian Parties in Tamil Nadu” at the National Seminar arranged by the Department of Public Administration & Political Science, Annamalai University, Annamalai Nagar, October, 2012.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Role of Media on Education in India” at the National Seminar arranged by the College of Journalism and Mass Communication, Theerthankar Mahaveer University, Delhi, June, 2012.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Indo-U.S Relations and the Nuclear Deal” at the UGC National Seminar arranged by the Department of Political Science, Annamalai University, Cuddalore, March, 2007.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Citizens Cooperation for Social Harmony” at Presidency College, Chennai, March, 2007.
- Presented a research paper entitled “People’s Participation and Good Governance” at the National Seminar at the University of Madras, Chennai, December, 2004.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Citizens and their participation in bringing about Good Governance” at the National Seminar arranged by Presidency College, Chennai, March, 2004.
- Presented a research paper entitled “Public Policy and its performance in Tamil Nadu with special reference to Education Policy” at the National Seminar in the University Of Madras, Chennai, November, 2003.
- Work in progress:
- Theory of constraints: A study on Eliyahu M. Goldratt
- Poster Presentations:
- First Prize, Poster presentation on “The influence of advertisements and its impact on the perception of body image”, Dr. Parivendar Research Colloquium, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2021
- First Prize, Poster presentation on “Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response and Advertisement”, Dr. Parivendar Research Colloquium, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, August, 2019
- Other Academic Contributions:
- Resource Person, Research Day, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2017.
- Resource Person, Research Day, School of Government and International Affairs, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2015.
- Resource Person, Research Day, School of Government and International Affairs, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2014.
- Workshops / Conferences / Webinars attended:
- Attended a webinar on “Future of higher education in the digital-first economy” conducted by India Didactics” on 12th of April, 2022.
- Attended a webinar on “Unleash the Power of Collaboration with Researcher Discovery Feature on Scopus” conducted by Elsevier on 12th of April, 2022.
- Attended the Training cum Workshop on “NEP 2020: Persons with disabilities and Educational opportunities” through virtual mode, Conducted by Staff Training and Research Institute of Distance Education (STRIDE), IGNOU from 14-16th March, 2022.
- Attended the Dr. Paarivendhar Research Colloquium organised by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2021.
- Attended a Webinar on “Master Class Series” by Ms. Jennifer Arul, organised by the Department of Visual Communication, Satyabama, Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2021.
- Attended a 3 day FDP program (online) on ‘Learning Additional ICT tools for online teaching and Administration’ conducted by SCROLLWELL in association with Government Degree College, Ramgarh, December, 2020.
- Attended a Webinar on “Practical understanding of ‘Print Media Management’ its operation, role and impact in pre- and post-pandemic, conducted by the Cheran Group of Institutions, Coimbatore, September, 2020.
- Attended a “Regional workshop for the orientation of participating institute to initiate work in the adopted village clusters”, under the UNNAT BHARAT ABHIYAN 2.0 program, at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, January, 2020.
- Attended a two day academician’s conclave on “Reframing perspectives – A call to mobilize and re-envision Christian faculty for missions” conducted by India Campus Crusade for Christ, at Madras Christian College School, January, 2020.
- Attended the Dr. Paarivendhar Research Colloquium organised by SRM Institute of Science and Technology, September 2019.
- Attended a workshop on Empowering Education, conducted by Microsoft in association with PCQuest India, June, 2018.
- Attended a workshop on Publication of Research Papers in Indexed Journals, conducted by Faculty of Science and Humanities, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, January, 2016.
- Attended a workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) conducted by the Directorate of Research, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, October, 2015.
- Attended the Shishya Advanced Leadership Training (SALT) conference, Bangalore, 14 & 15, April 2012.
- Attended an International Conference on Leadership with participation of University students from more than 120 countries around the world at Busan, South Korea, July / August, 2007.
- Attended a Leadership Training Programme conducted by Life Way International Ministry at Madras Christian College, Chennai, March, 2007.
- Participated in the workshop on “New Genetics, Environment and Bioethics” organised by the Department of Philosophy and Zoology, Madras Christian College, Chennai, January, 2000.
- Participated in the workshop on “Leadership for the Millennium” at Madras Christian College, Chennai, December, 1999.
- Organising Conferences / Seminars / Workshops:
- Programme Coordinator, 5-day virtual workshop on Parametric Statistical Tests using ‘SYSTAT’ for ODL Learners and Researchers, conducted by the Directorate of Distance Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2022.
- Member, Organising Committee, 5-day virtual workshop on SPSS, conducted by the Directorate of Distance Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2022.
- Member, Organising Committee, Webinar on Academic Project, conducted by the Directorate of Distance Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, July, 2021.
- Member, Organising Committee, Webinar on “Emerging trends in New Media”, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, November, 2020.
- Member, Organising Committee, Webinar, by Dr. M.S. Harikumar, Director of the School of Communication and Information Science, University of Kerala, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, October, 2020.
- Coordinated the visit of 25 students of BA English Language, Literature and Cultural Studies of SRMU, Sikkim Campus to SRM IST, Kattankulathur Campus for a campus exchange program, February, 2020
- Member, Organising Committee, Lecture series on ‘Translation and beyond: Language, Literature and Media’ by Mr. Shridharan Madhusudhanan, IFS, Director-General of India-Taipei Association, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, December, 2019.
- Member, Organising Committee, Lecture series on ‘How to Spot Fake News?’ by Mr. Iyan Karthikeyan, Editor and Co-founder, Youturn.in, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, October, 2019.
- Member, Organising Committee, JEEVAN – A Suicide Prevention Campaign, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, September, 2019
- Member, Organising Committee, Lecture series on ‘Digital Media in Democracy’ by Mr. Daniel Thimmayya, Chief Reporter, The Indian Express, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, August, 2019.
- Member, Organising Committee, Conference on Development Journalism: Looking at India differently, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2019.
- Member, Organising Committee, Lecture series on Changing Paradigms of Media in the Digital Era by Ms. Chandrika Subramaniyan, Legal professional, Journalist and Academic from Australia, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, January, 2019.
- Member, Organising Committee, Lecture series, Mr. Rangaraj Pandey, Senior Journalist, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, January, 2019.
- Resource person, for conducting the Elocution Competition on Gandhian Values, on the occasion of the 150th Birth Anniversary of the Father of the Nation, Mahatma Gandhi, organised by the Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA)-Chennai Chapter in association with SRM Institute of Science and Technology (SRMIST), Kattankulathur, October, 2018.
- Member, Organising Committee, Conference on Media and National Security, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2018.
- Member, Organising Committee, Workshop on Digital Narratives, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2017.
- Coordinated the visit of Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia to SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2016.
- Conducted a workshop on SPSS, Department of Public Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2014.
- Conducted a workshop on International Human Resource Management, Department of Public Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, December, 2013.
- Member, Organising Committee, International Seminar conducted by the Young Journalists’ Association, Department of Journalism and School of Government and International Affairs, on “Regulating the Media?”, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 25 & 26, April, 2012.
- Member, Organising Committee, “National Consultation on HIV / AIDS: Response of Christian Colleges”, Madras Christian College, Chennai, October, 2007.
- Coordinator, J-Term programme on Business and Culture of India, Elmhurst College, Illinois, Chicago, United States of America at Madras Christian College, Tambaram, January 2004.
- Organized Blood Donation Camps, Social Awareness Camps, Walks, Workshops and Seminars at College and Department levels.
- Teaching Aids & Equipment Development:
- Developed a number of PowerPoint slides and computer aided teaching manuals to teach concepts in classrooms.
- Use of case studies from real-time business and from the internet for understanding concepts by the students in an easier and analytical manner.
- Developed a software to automate the entire library of the Department of Philosophy (more than 5,000 books), Madras Christian College.
- Curriculum Development:
- Preparing Self Learning Material for the students of Directorate of Distance Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 2020 onwards
- Member, Organising Committee, Workshop on Digital Narratives, conducted by the Department of Journalism and Mass Communication and the Young Journalists’ Association, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2017.
- Coordinated the visit of Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III, Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia to SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2016.
- Conducted a workshop on SPSS, Department of Public Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, February, 2014.
- Conducted a workshop on International Human Resource Management, Department of Public Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, December, 2013.
- Member, Organising Committee, International Seminar conducted by the Young Journalists’ Association, Department of Journalism and School of Government and International Affairs, on “Regulating the Media?”, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 25 & 26, April, 2012.
- Member, Organising Committee, “National Consultation on HIV / AIDS: Response of Christian Colleges”, Madras Christian College, Chennai, October, 2007.
- Coordinator, J-Term programme on Business and Culture of India, Elmhurst College, Illinois, Chicago, United States of America at Madras Christian College, Tambaram, January 2004.
- Organized Blood Donation Camps, Social Awareness Camps, Walks, Workshops and Seminars at College and Department levels.
- Teaching Aids & Equipment Development:
- Developed a number of PowerPoint slides and computer aided teaching manuals to teach concepts in classrooms.
- Use of case studies from real-time business and from the internet for understanding concepts by the students in an easier and analytical manner.
- Developed a software to automate the entire library of the Department of Philosophy (more than 5,000 books), Madras Christian College.
- Curriculum Development:
- Preparing Self Learning Material for the students of Directorate of Distance Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 2020 onwards.
- Special Invitee, Academic Council, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, March, 2013.
- Convenor, Board of Studies, Department of Public Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 2013-2014.
- Question Paper Setter, Directorate of Distance Education, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 2013 to present.
- Member, Board of Examiners, Department of Public Administration, Madras Christian College, 2011 – 2014.
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Public Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 2011 – 2014
- Member, Board of Studies, Department of Journalism and Mass Communication, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, 2011 to Present.
- Participated in the Curriculum Development workshop in Political Science, Madras Christian College, December, 2005.
- Participated in the Curriculum Development Seminar – 2000, organized by Madras Christian College.
- Participated in the annual Departmental Syllabus reviews and Curriculum development workshops every year from 1998 to 2002 in the Department of Philosophy and Public Administration, Madras Christian College.
- Case Studies:
- Conducted a visit to the Tamil Nadu State Legislature for the students of Public Administration, SRM Institute of Science and Technology, April, 2013.
- Coordinated a Case Study on the Social life of the tribal people living in Yelagiri Hills, February 2005.
Visits to other Countries:
- Visited Busan, South Korea, for an International conference where more than 50,000 students from various Universities and Colleges representing more than 200 countries participated, July, 2007.
- Visited Singapore for an international conference of Christian leaders coming together to help students in Universities and Colleges, July 2007.
Coordinating Visit of Students/Staff from other Countries:
- Coordinated the visit of Dr. Henry F. Schaefer III (Nobel Prize Nominee for Chemistry), Graham Perdue Professor of Chemistry and Director of the Center for Computational Quantum Chemistry at the University of Georgia to SRM Institute of Science and Technology, IIT Madras, Madras Christian College and Women’s Christian College, February, 201
- Coordinator, J-Term programme on Business and Culture of India, Elmhurst College, Illinois, United States of America at Madras Christian College, Tambaram, January, 2004.
Academic Honours:
- World Record Holder, World Book of Records, participated in a mass event organised by ESN Publication as one of the longest international conferences, presenting research papers for a duration of 150 hours continuously from 03 to 09 September, 2020.
- Certificate of Achievement, MyNEP quiz competition, September, 2020.
- Received ‘Teacher’s Day Award’ from SRM Institute of Science and Technology for publishing research papers in various books, September, 2013.
- Received ‘Teacher’s Day Award’ from SRM Institute of Science and Technology for publishing a research paper in the book “Issues of Communication, Development and Society”, September, 2012.
- Received ‘K.M.S. Reddy Prize’ for Academic Excellence in M. A. Public Administration, Madras Christian College, 2002.
- Received ‘Student Merit Scholarships’ every year at Madras Christian College, 1997-2002.
Membership in Professional bodies:
- Board Member and Joint Secretary, Association for Community Transformation and Sustainability (ACTS), an NGO working for the upliftment of deprived societies in Kancheepuram district, Tamilnadu, India.