Learner  Self Learning Process per coruse
Total Credit5
Total No. of  Hrs in Self Learning Process/ for total of 5 Unit150
Total No. of  Hrs in Self Learning Process/Per Unit30
Learner  Self Learning schedule per Module
Sl No:Component NomenclatureLearning Hrs
1.oPersonal Contact Progtram (GUIDED Leanering) 
1.1.Online Interaction / guidence 2
1.2Online Leturing [Guided)] 1
2.oSelf Learning  acitivity 
2.1Self Learning through Audio4
2.2Self Learning by Vedio Lecturing4
2.3Self Learning through open source Materials ( links)4
2.4Learning through SLM [Print / E-version]6
3.oSelf Assessment Process4
4Preparation for Assignments[Internal Component]5
Total Learner Self study schedule for One Unit30